Pic# 16 (Monday)
I bought a kit at Eclectica a while back and found it while I was organizing pictures and the closet. It was a Valentine's day kit and I had these pictures from V-Day of 2010 so I decided to use them for this. I also decided that instead of doing our book chronologically, as I'm doing with Logan's book, is to do it randomly. These pages will probably start our book and then maybe go back to the beginning because our "first" photos are bar scenes and blurry! Our book is a sad one because we don't take as many pictures as we probably should but I'm slowly changing that =)
Pic# 17 (Tuesday)
Me and my baby at the zoo! He was SOO well behaved yesterday that I couldn't ask for a better day with him. I was brave enough to let him walk out of his stroller and look at the animals as up close as he was allowed and let him walk beside me. He was great with my friend's little baby too! Such a fun afternoon.
Pic# 18 (Today)
My puppy all clean! I took a before picture but since they trimmed her up and just cleaned up areas like her tail, behind her legs and around her paws there didn't seem to be a difference! She definitely needed it though. Her nails were sharp as razors and her tail was looking raggy. She smells so good. I may just let her sleep on the bed...then again maybe not!
Hope everyone's having a good week so far! ♥
gosh your pup got sooo big!
I know she did! She barely fits in her kennel now but she's not ready to just lay about around the house yet.
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