April 01, 2010

Easter Eggs!!

One of my favorite things to do around Easter is to dye the eggs!! This is not Logan's first Easter but he still couldn't dye the eggs. We did get him a toy to keep him entertained!! Chris, Jaclyn (my friend, Mel's daughter) and I dyed them last night!! We had so much fun and the clean up was super easy thanks to newspaper and paper bowls!

There were 11 colors
(6 were made with vinegar, 5 were made with water)

Chris and Jaclyn dyeing their eggs...There was a lot of mixing the dyes going on!

My little boy hanging out with his new toy and watching the egg dye-ing going on! I tried to get him to dye and egg but when I gave it to him he just put the egg in his mouth!!

My love making his egg shiny!

The finished results!! So pretty =)

Logan's first egg we gave him the stickers to at least put on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What sweet memories you are making!


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