April 14, 2010


Days are getting progressively closer and closer to moving day and time seems to be going faster because nothing is really done. Only 7 total boxes have been packed! I've been enjoying being home and trying to cram in play dates and get togethers because soon they'll be far and few between. It's also been really nice and who wants to spend it inside packing!? Certainly not I. But alas, I must, because this move is happening and we do need to be on our way!

Anywho, we've bought a new car too. The 2010 Toyota Venza, their version of a crossover (which I'm starting to think is a new term for station wagon!). I love it. It drives like a car, doesn't look like a station wagon, but has the space of an SUV. I wanted a Lexus but Chris said not yet. So we went for this and I'm okay with that. I wanted red, but they sold out. I wanted black next but Chris said silver was probably best at hiding dirt and scratches, so silver it was! When I take a picture of it I'll post it up!

I think I've also decided that a NJ wedding is what I ultimately want! Outdoors in the fall near the beach. Destination wedding is probably cheaper, but I'm counting on this being my only wedding and I want our families to be a part of it. So I'll be looking at two venues, maybe, today, hopefully, this week! I'm excited!! It's gonna be tough planning a NJ wedding in TN but I'll probably have fun with it!! And that's all I got for you guys to sum up my past week. I'll make the next post fun =)

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