August 05, 2010

Wholesome Goodness!

It's a million degrees outside and my goal today was to bake! Yes, bake! I made a chocolate-everyday cake, or at least that's what Smitten Kitchen dubbed it! I have no idea how it tastes because I just made it but it smells amazing in here! So if it's anything like it smells I'm betting that it'll be good! Click on the link for the recipe and to check out Smitten Kitchen's blog! I love her recipes!

In the oven.

On another good note, I landed a job. It's part time with room to grow and be full time, which is good too. At least I won't be anxious in wondering how I'm going to pay my astronomical student loans!

(Did I mention I love Grey's Anatomy?
I more than love it. If it went off air I would cry!
But anyway, this is what I felt like doing today!)

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